In the world of personalized marketing, when the customers are to be addressed specially, different methods are used. Calls work as the foremost method to connect the audience. Also it’s a simple way to market or promote the brand to the audience. In the mass market, it is difficult to address every person individually through call. So the solution to promote the brand through call and reach every person in the audience has to be found. And automated telephone system works best in this case known as IVR.
IVR is the interactive voice response which is automated telephony system which interacts with the callers to gather information and route calls to the appropriate recipients. Nowadays IVR systems can gather inputs and responses. The conversations in IVR system are prerecorded mostly. They assist the caller with their requirements, direct or route the calls without connecting to a live operator. Callers can communicate by using the touch tone keypad. Also if the caller’s query is not solved then he can get connected the live operator through the same.
Basically it’s a technology in which the automated calls are generated through Artificial iIntelligence to interact with humans. These systems are sized to handle large volume and outbound calling as well. IVR system is a very simple and cost friendly method for addressing a large number of audiences, resulting into more efficiency of any company.
Also in an addition, IVR calls can also be used to reply back as an acknowledgement message, as the customers always like to be acknowledged in a personalized way. This can increase relation with customers as well and can turn into loyal customers. The IVR calls are very much time saving for the audience as well. It may happen sometime that when opted for an SMS, it may take too long to get delivered. In such case, IVR calls can help. Also many times customers themselves are in a hurry. So they don’t wait for an SMS and directly opt for the call. For an example, there is an application download campaign is run, how to sign in there in the application, an OTP will be needed. So the IVR call can reach faster to the user and deliver the OTP on the call. The user will put the OTP and sign in process is done, quick and fast.
Also when a company has a call center, it would hire people for tele calling. With this more manpower, time, efforts and money are used to reach the audience. But with an IVR system, a call can be directly pushed to the respective person. This automated call can be done for a large audience in a very less amount of time. Also, the man power needed for this won’t be much. Hence if the man power reduces, the expenses will reduce as well. Compare to a regular call system, IVR calls are least cost set-up. So it saves money from both the sides. IVR call system can also be used for customer support purpose. It may get difficult for some people to reach out for the solution to their problem through email or any other source. But a miss call is something very easy for the people to use. It becomes user friendly and the system helps there problem solve quickly.
This service cost the audience absolutely nothing during a miss call campaign, if IVR calls are triggered as an auto reply call then the caller will get an automated call back and hence can get his work done. For better response he can get connected to a live agent too.
OneRing brings the IVR integration service with lowest rates and highest benefits. This IVR calls cost zero to the callers. Just after a miss call, the IVR call is triggered. In that the caller can press the extension according to his requirements and if needed then can talk to the agent as well.
This data can also be used for taking surveys and feedback from the customers. This will help make stronger bond with customer as well. If some sale or offer as started at some brand, a miss call can get them the code. That code can be sent through IVR call. Also for better security, IVR calls are preferred. The most important part is OneRing provides a single panel for all it services. If any campaign is run then the IVR integration can be done with same API panel. This will save the money, time and efforts of the user.